Author: rolle
OpenStack Autumn 2016 meetup
OpenStack Finland User Group had it’s autumn meetup on November 2nd 2016. The topic for this event was OpenStack Operations and Operators. I had also promised to talk about our operations at Cybercom, and specifically in our Managed Operations Center running our 24/7 operations, even though I have been mostly concentrating lately on other tasks…
How to farm your servers
… or the cloud-tale of pets, cattle and … insects? There is quite an old anecdote in IT how to classify your servers running your services. And it still seems to hold true in the era of cloud computing — at least it has for now. It states, that you should divide your farm to pets and cattle and…
Santa Monica – Security Day 2016
I attended Santa Monica security day on September 27th with one of our Chief Architects, Mika Ahoniemi. The event was held at Helsinki Messukeskus. There was interesting speeches by Santa Monica represented vendors. Mainly Juniper, Fortinet and F5 had interesting sessions, among others. Fortinet for example discussed the share responsibility model in the cloud and…
The Golden Cage of Public Cloud
… and should you even try to avoid it? Cross-cloud portability, that one great argument against using specific cloud provider to it’s full extent. This is also kind of often used by competing cloud providers as a leverage to get at least some business from a client coming their way. The Golden Cage – Term…
Public Cloud – Someone else’s Data Center or something else?
There’s been some time this one internet meme has been going around. It says: “ There is no cloud – it’s just someone else’s computer “. You might agree with this statement, or you might not, but it’s a good catch phrase. And good catch phrases are easy to relate to. But if you think…
AWS Certified Architect – Associate
Today I passed the Associate level exam for AWS Certified Architect track. The licence number was AWS-ASA-20688 so I guess there starts to be quite a few certified people globally already. The test itself was pretty straightforward consisting of couple of dozen questions in 80 minute time limit. For this level of questions, the time was…